WINTER 2021-22
Early Winter
light rain
words trickle
onto the page
Jackie Chou
the strong smell of
winter ripening
Minal Sarosh
kayak lake
a hurricane swirls
from the paddle
Kat Lehmann
hospice dawn
a willow disappears
in river mist
Maurice Nevile
morning light
touching the sea
that touches me
Alvin B Cruz
full day moon
river oysters
picked clean
Bryan Rickert
October petal rain I have everything
Owen Bullock
morning quiet
an old raindrop
joggles a fern
Hannah Mahoney
the river's song
willow roots
Ben Oliver
tiered garden
the climb
to the sage
Laurie Greer
all my stories
all my secrets
bramble patch
Marietta McGregor
under galaxies
stamens glowing white
on the cider gum
Kristen Lang
bend in the river
why not take the scenic route
to oblivion
Keith Evetts
the zigzag of brown creepers meandering thoughts
Debbie Strange
October flowers
the second time
I hold your hand
Ryland Li
down to puddles
the creek minnows’
Bryan Rickert
apple season
the branches ache with
the weight of sky
Vandana Parashar
still lake
miles deep
Owen Bullock
some secrets
better kept inside
tree rings
Vera Constantineau
brown leaf carpet
I learn to walk
on what came before
Kat Lehmann
golden fish in the lake
what we become
when dreaming
Radostina A. Dragostinova
exposed roots
his little dig
Mike White
family haveli
a spiral cobweb mends
the broken window
Hifsa Ashraf
foggy sky
a baby opens
her fist
Erica Goss
a line of traffic honking geese head south
Kim Klugh
bent over a pine and me the ocean storm
Bruce H. Feingold
autumn chill
the what might have been
of old seeds
Bryan Rickert
a splash
of color
wood ducks
Jeff Hoagland
old slave quarters
the tourist’s question
a sickle
Kemar Cummings
of waves
of shorebirds
Brad Bennett
the stillness trapped
in gorse hills
Maire Morrissey Cummins
the way geese can fly to
another country
Dorothy Burrows
my mind puts a wolf
in the trees
Alan Peat
autumn leaves swirling whiskey round the glass
Stephen Toft
becoming dusk jackals becoming dusk
Hemapriya Chellappan
the bleeding edge
of things
Alan Peat
the twilight moon's climb
higher and higher
Richa Sharma
into dusk
a nameless mountain
in its fullness
Richa Sharma
in a rush of night wind the foxes yipping
Ruth Holzer
still water
a swan descends
on the moon
Maureen Edden
evening mist -
the fisherman
counts his blessings
Precious Oboe
Mid Winter
ice forming ~
the neighbourhood cat
gives me that look
Mark Gilbert
not yet dawn only the yellow laburnum
Alaka Y
morning milking
the silence
between cows
Laurie Morrissey
a robin cracks
the dawn
Debbie Olson
this journey
to make alone –
the rising sun
Anannya Dasgupta
into the valley mist
mountain ash
Gavin Austin
a child
must have conjured them -
dandelions in the snow
Deborah A. Bennett
on ice
eyes of the morning catch
Alan Peat
in the white pine
corn kernels pop
Donna Fleischer
frozen mountain stream
the percussion
of unseen pebbles
Roger Watson
distant hills beyond the gate winter stillness
Clive Bennett
darkening sky
the busy street blooms
Jonathan Roman
a pocket
full of masks
family funeral
Maire Morrissey Cummins
we encounter
our monsters
Stefanie Bucifal
gull cries
how a river
loses the land
Michael Baeyens
a toddler
with tongue out
first snow
Alan Peat
winter rain--
the depth of loneliness
in a stray dog's eye
Kevin Valentine
half open window -
a fly bumps into both
sides of the story
Roman Lyakhovetsky
deckled edges
of your letter . . .
drifting snow
Barrie Levine
canada geese
with swans in corn stubble
dinky toys
Nola Obee
squall a gull resting in the middle of it
Stewart Baker
more snow -
ice fills a scarecrow's
missing tooth
Neera Kashyap
one red fleck
in the egg yolk
partial eclipse
Marietta McGregor
just enough
of a pause
robin song
Joanna Ashwell
lone igloo
finding shelter
in a lie
Kemar Cummings
clacking railroad station tracks the driving sleet
Richard L. Matta
midwinter sickness the skimmia leaves yellow…
Claire Ninham
the little pond
house to many -
floods away
Tanvi Jeph,
Aged 13
snow on the pines
a whooping crane’s call
turns to mist
Hannah Mahoney
braille cantata
tracing the S
of her spine
Kemar Cummings
red light
the shortness
of a snowflake's life
Tomislav Sjekloća
Christmas market -
one more fairy tale
I don’t belong to
Roman Lyakhovetsky
by the hearth
a fire’s glow
on sallow skin
Richard L. Matta
discovering a pine needle
with my bare toe
Joshua Gage
cocktail party the geometry of chatter
Tom Bierovic
the two of us
still groping in the dark
winter solstice
Natalia Kuznetsova
crossroads grave -
a cricket summoning
the moon
Roman Lyakhovetsky
a long walk
to the other side
of the owl
Peter Newton
winter sky . . .
on her stone
Barrie Levine
ad astra
taillights on the road
to somewhere
Debbie Strange
cold coffee
the effortlessness
of moonlit flurries
Joshua Gage
candleshine through obsidian this ancient light
Ruth Holzer
full moon
black sky
breathing hole
Erica Goss
a prototype of courage amidst winter stars
Shloka Shankar
new year party
the poinsettia
also past it
Roberta Beary
winter sunset
an old fox limps
into the trees
Chris Dean
Winter Into Spring
firethorn berries
a solitary blackbird
perches between seasons
Claire Ninham
dawn paws through the cat door
P.H Fischer
new calendar
i still circle
her birthday
Roberta Beary
blossoms drift
into this universe
you and me
Chen-ou Liu
the sweet surrender
of morning dew
Antonietta Losito
morning commute
the last cricket
sputters out
Agnes Eva Savich
catching the remaining strand
of the spider's web
morning sun
Mark Powderhill
glittering water
the only duck
John Low
wildflower –
you are worthy
of self-love
C.X Turner
the creek
crystal clear
a bellbird calls
Carl Walsh
even the gator’s bellow
a form of prayer
new grass
Paul Reagan
hibiscus bud
I am still learning how
to wait
Minal Sarosh
spring clean
stopping to watch
the white butterfly
Mark Powderhill
low tide
beach stones exposed
where they are
Kristen Lindquist
city trees
two ballerinas
en pointe
Erica Goss
beneath the surface
Evan Coram
rows of crows cawing
from telegraph wires
Dorothy Burrows
in the right light a slug’s glide path
Peter Newton
in the rain shadow
I stand
blurred at the edges
Adele Evershed
stock pond
filling me
with silence
Agnes Eva Savich
blue sky
the pause before
the swing returns
Stephen Toft
distant drum beats down the sun
P.H Fischer
mountain lake
a double rainbow
completes itself
Richa Sharma
a thousand times over
snow geese
Jonathan Humphrey
fruit bats
leaving dusk tangled
in the trees
John Low
the way
it softens the city
evening rain
Ben Gaa
low in the pine
a slip of sunset
Claire Ninham
dusk’s stillness
an otter slips
into water
Ernest Wit
hairpin turn
I ask for directions
to the moon
Erin Castaldi
still waters
a kangaroo drinks
the first stars
John Low
unlearning all that
I learnt
Minal Sarosh
crack in the blinds
an octopus moon
finds its way
Lorraine Padden
after hours -
away from the street lights
your favourite star
Femi Akinyele
end of lockdown
wasps party
inside a pear
Mark Gilbert
new moon
the empty space of
my unfinished haiku
Manoj Sharma
nightfall I keep the sun in myself
Mariangela Canzi
runaway dog
I, too, am not looking
to be found
Bryan Rickert