Early Spring
snow melt
I enter a year
of seconds
the tight rhythms
of an old song
Robert Witmer
late winter -
not much
springs to mind
Bonnie Scherer
living with barnacles
the slow boat
on its way
Jeff Ferrara
march sunrise
rosehips glisten
in the last frost
Bill Fay
foggy morning -
the wingbeat of wrens
along the stream
Maire Morrissey Cummins
bouncing off snow
chickadee song
Susan Bonk Plumridge
spring lake
a beaver's tail
strikes the sun
Marilyn Ashbaugh
ebbing winter tide
a littleneck sways itself
back into wet sand
Hannah Mahoney
winter sunlight
frail mehendi*
on her palm
Devoshruti Mandal
ice floe dawn
ghosts of translucent blue
drift through her song
John Hawkhead
March ice
just below
Marylyn Burridge
a lotus rises
above the mud
Neena Singh
sunrise on fresh snow mourning doves' pink toes
Carly Siegel Thorp
over stones
spring snow
the pears ripen
in the bowl
Carrie Etter
downstream rock pool
a dabble of mallards
dive in
Laurie Greer
spring thaw
briefly walking together
the stray and I
John Pappas
other than I am
frozen branch
Richa Sharma
over marsh grass
John Pappas
melting snow
the angel I made
holds a crocus
Millicent Bee
alone under trees
a magpie
shares my solitude
Tom Staudt
street children
around the burning tyre ----
winter wind
Manoj Sharma
frozen ruts
fill with spring rain
he softens his tone
Paula Sears
your smile
through the coffee steam
first daffodils
Daniel Birnbaum
March snow
gull shadows sweep
the pristine field
Claire Ninham
flashes of blue-green
a kingfisher dives
into melting creek
Meera Rehm
rain-washed air
the empty clothesline
dripping clouds
Lesley Anne Swanson
sudden death
of a rosebud
late frost
Kimberly Kuchar
bruised apple -
the first weeks
of heartbreak
Maire Morrissey Cummins
still forest the deer’s heart skips a beat
Ganesh R
gentle rain
the softness of a
singing child
Eavonka Ettinger
spring gust
peach blossoms blown
into the sheepfold
Eric Sundquist
abandoned tracks
wild fennel
finding its way
Helen Ogden
green-eyed garden spider stares off someplace else
Jeff Ingram
spring gale -
tangled in the eaves
silent wind chimes
Fionnuala Waldron
muddy paddy field-
water fills
the tractor trail
Ram Chandran
outdoor meditation
the song of a frog mixes
with my mantra
Oscar Luparia
the last white birthroot fading with hospice
Evan Coram
drifting through
bright osier stems
spring snow squall
Sarah Strong
red barn
adrift in a puddle of sky—
lake in thaw
Sarah Strong
snowy creekside
the blues in a sunken
beer can
Glenn Coats
hyacinth fragrance
floods the hospital room
Sangita Kalarickal Krivosik
Spring blizzard
father retells
my birth story
Jenn Ryan-Jauregui
just the hush
of sky
Joanna Ashwell
hard rime
the spiky ice of
our last words
Eavonka Ettinger
a chill in the air
the kingfisher
splits the channel
Brad Bennett
a warm coin
to a cold hand
passing clouds
Robert Witmer
a cherry petal
wedged between grass blades
Bill Cooper
rewilding our garden sparrowhawk
Clive Bennett
how the rain
moves as circles
arctic tern
Alan Summers
recalling things
my brother loved—
violets in deep grass
Sarah Strong
caught in a crowd
the silent path
between stars
Jenny Fraser
the questions
of Tawny owls
Polaris fading
black hole
the suck and tug
of indecision
Marilyn Humbert
in praise
of darkness –
Alvin Cruz
that voiceless feeling wandering stars
Jennifer Hambrick
Mid Spring
morning mist
the softness of
pussy willow
Farah Ali
reaching through
the cloud-covered dawn
siskin’s song
Reid Hepworth
dawn . . .
raven shakes the night
from his feathers
Jim Force
spring rain
a thrush's song
to worms
Keith Evetts
early morning solace
the tea kettle song
of a wren
Adele Evershed
the field covered
with sky
David Watts
unfinished periodical
conversation cicada
just before language a hermit crab shell
Aidan Castle
in the eyes
of the strung-up fish
island sunrise
Bryan Rickert
circles on a pond
water striders connecting
their disparate worlds
Mariya Gusev
the geometry
of hunger
choosing a different road the bleat of lambs
Adrian bouter
what earth remembers
from this rainstorm...
magnolia petals
Maya Daneva
spring roundup
light drips off the rim
of a wrangler's hat
Debbie Strange
first morning
in a different country
valley haze
Ruth Holzer
park pond
the mallards’ flight
skimming sunbeams
Joanna Ashwell
balcony bee
only one of us enjoys
the morning breeze
Richa Sharma
water logic
every river
finds its way
David Watts
a child’s patience…
butterfly cocoon
on the fence
Earl Livings
spring again
the neighbor’s tractor
finally starts
Bryan Rickert
a cardinal's whistles reddening viburnum berries
Kristen Lindquist
my grandson’s laughter
Brian Kates
spring sunlight
slips into spaces
Eve Castle
thawing in a mountain lake pine shadows
Barrie Levine
hydrangea blooms a breath of blue sky
Barrie Levine
Easter Sunday
wildflowers sprouting through
a possum's ribcage
Danny Daw
dark clouds
the route of light
of a butterfly
Oscar Luparia
river in flood flowing through the heron
Nick Taylor
coastal walk
the tumult of the sea
in my son’s eyes
Adele Evershed
deepening snow
all those crevices
on her floured hands
Antoinette Cheung
the fading echo
of horses' hooves
spring rain
Mariel Herbert
plough lines
willow leaves slowly
fill the rows
Ben Oliver
daffodils' foliage
becoming part of the tall grass...
spring deepens
Maya Daneva
across the river
the scent of rainfall
on wild bluebells
Lori Kiefer
snowy day
flakes softly falling
from the paring knife
Mike Fainzilber
tattered butterfly wings
spring blossoms
C.X Turner
riverside walk
the comfort
of round pebbles
Mona Bedi
Denise Fontaine
all the soft sounds
of the sea
Jenny Fraser
gusts of wind
we stand in a blizzard
of cherry blossoms
Ernest Wit
may drizzle
the celadon glaze
of spring
John Pappas
earth day all these tree-hugging squirrels
Debbie Strange
the sun always rises
even through the grey
mountain snail
Mike Fainzilber
cloud reflections
the stab
of an egret's beak
Jay Friedenberg
moss-deep in shade purple trillium
Kathryn Liebowitz
gentle breeze
mum's lullaby
in lilacs
Sébastien REVON
the stubble field
evening light
Helen Ogden
sweetening the lulls
in our conversation
evening rain
John Pappas
falling night
the sound of water
Vandana Parashar
spring moon
the constant stare
of a one eyed dog
Mona Bedi
whilst I sleep
scaling the wall
night jasmine
C.X Turner
full moon
my travel companion's
weather-beaten face
Eugeniusz Zacharski
Late Spring
spring dawn
the sun emerging
from a rose
Lori Kiefer
first light ...
between the seen and unseen
the song of a thrush
Chen-ou Liu
cardinal call
the red pin point
of sunrise
Holli Rainwater
dream leopards
slinking away
first light
Kathryn Liebowitz
cirrus cloudsー
I’m immersed
in saijiki
Keiko Izawa
morning light
I part my curtains
to let in birdsong
Baisali Chatterjee Dutt
reflection pool
a lily petal floats
into my shadow
Richard L. Matta
morning stillness
a bee spills rain
from the lilac
Gavin Austin
i smile on the inside anemones
Aidan Castle
the breeze becoming the wind chimes
Chris Peys
cold rain
the hidden murmurs
of a mourning dove
Kim Klugh
Tibetan monks
the yellow life
of butterflies
Chad Henry
traveling abroad driftwood
Roberta Beach Jacobson
Mum's song...
the way a breeze
ruffles the lake
David He Zhuanglang
plum blossoms
drifting into the hands
of the wooden saint
Chad Henry
held in the boughs
of a gnarled oak
bluebird song
Carly Siegel Thorp
out of the blue
a gull dives
into the blue
Ravi Kiran
village well
she brings home
the taste of monsoon
Meera Rehm
uncosted birdsong —
the yellow trail
through commercial pine
Alan Peat
sudden breeze -
the wild silence
of butterflies
John Low
the mood
of another April...
mango breeze
a pelican’s beak
nibs a descender
Richard L. Matta
spring jazz…
woodpeckers riffing
on sunny trunks
Dorothy Burrows
a lifetime spent
within a landscape
the quiet stream
Thomas Powell
such happy childhoods daffodil breeze
Peter Newton
the philanthropy of flowers noblesse oblige
Sharon Martina
Mojave noon
the only shade
is the hawk’s shadow
Gordon Brown
British Summer Time…
everywhere, blossoming
Dorothy Burrows
all afternoon
tree shadows scaling
the fence
Sharon Martina
all the life
i do not
P.H Fischer
a girl i knew who grew
beyond me
Alan Peat
without tears
desert sky
Tina Mowrey
long night ahead -
a pond heron eases
into the grass
amoolya kamalnath
we can still be friends…
edge of the stubble field
next to a wood
Alan Peat
bats dart between
our exclamations
Petro C.K
a whitebell
in Bluebell Wood
daylight moon
Alison Breewood
cloudless sunset -
the wine cork
blushed on one end
Dan Salontai
setting sun
squeezing an orange
into the sangria
Stephenie Story
late blossom...
would he approve
of my choice?
Polona Oblak
long drought...
a vulture scrapes past
the day moon
Brad Bennett
spring evening
the setting sun lights up
an old billboard
Milan Rajkumar
over the Laguna
the frogs change pitch
Sarah Paris
evening. . .
a cabbage white
folds its wings
Susan Yavaniski
evening star
a sleepy horse
in a small barn
Robert Witmer
stencilled black against
the rising pink moon
Marilyn Humbert
sentient night
a frog pond reaches
into the car
Shawn Blair
pickled stardust moonlight finds the beet jar
Jeff Ingram
origami . . .
a lotus folding
in moonlight
Paula Sears
on the lake
taking a dip
into full moon
Christopher Calvin